Y Bryn

Onshore wind farm

We value
your feedback

Please do get in touch

Thank you for taking the time to read this website. 

We value your thoughts and welcome any queries you might have on the proposed scheme at this stage. These can be returned using the form to the right.

You can also get in touch with us by calling : 0800 699 0081 or by emailing: [email protected]

If you would prefer to write to us, you can post to: FREEPOST TC CONSULTATION
(no further address or stamp required).

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I confirm that I have read the below Privacy Statement. (Required)

Privacy Statement

By filling-in this form you are agreeing that Coriolis Energy and ESB can hold and process your personal data in relation to this public consultation exercise.

Coriolis Energy and ESB will only share your personal data with companies within the Y Bryn project team, and in certain circumstances, specific project consultants for planning evaluation purposes only.

Your identifiable, personal data will not be used for any other purposes without your consent.

Depending on the nature of your enquiry/feedback, Coriolis Energy and ESB will only use your data to:

  • Respond to specific questions or enquiries submitted via this portal.
  • Send you updates about a specific project (where you provide us with your contact details).
  • Develop a Pre-application Consultation (PAC) Report (or similar document) about this public consultation that will be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate Wales and/or other relevant planning bodies; this will be a publicly available document.

Your comments will be anonymous, and we will only identify you in these reports with your express permission.

If you provide us with your contact details, we might also contact you to ask you more about any comments you’ve made.

Your data will be stored in line with the GDPR.

Further information on our Privacy Policy can be found by clicking the link under 'Privacy' in the footer of this website.